Monday, July 21, 2008

NYC tolerance: an expression of underlying apathy

Tolerance for "weird" in NYC is really an incidental byproduct of apathy. A disapproving stare at another's attire assumes that there is a status quo whose tacit guidelines are not being upheld. But in NYC, stares have tapered to the occasional passing glance. The "group" into which one may fit has been reduced to a single inhabitant: themselves- lending credence to the notion that it's a city comprised of as many subcultures as there are individuals. Even the understanding and respect that everyone has their own way of doing things are subjugated by the prevailing apathetic NYC ideology. So, if one voyages to NYC longing for acceptance of their "freedom of expression," that's exactly what they'll get; they just can't expect that anyone else will ever care enough to discuss this liberty over coffee.

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